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Windings - Miklós Maros (Part 1)

Tetraphonics playing the world premiere performance of Windings by Miklós Maros. 14.3.2010, Rosengarten, Mannheim Germany. Be sure to check out part 2 for the rest of the performance.

Windings - Miklós Maros (Part 2)

Miklós Maros Sextet NASA region I 2017

Premiere of Sextet (2014) by Miklós Maros.Molly Barth, fluteJames Shields, clarinetMelissa Peña, oboeIdit Shner, alto saxophoneSteve Vacchi, bassoonLydia Van Dreel, hornThis live performance ...

Miklos Maros Solfeggio Rhythm Art Duo

Miklos Maros Solfeggio Rhythm Art Duo (Daniel Berg och Fredrik Duvling) Örgryte nya kyrka 18 mars 2014


Éva Maros


Elliot Riley, alto saxophone Andreas van Zoelen, tenor saxophone

Miklós Maros: Games for Alto Saxophone and Harp (Duo ArsE)

Miklós Maros: Games performed by Duo ArsEAnastasia Razvalyaeva, harp and Erzsébet Seleljo, saxophone, April 6, 2014 FUGA Center of Architecture, Budapest, Hungary

Trio Contraste - Miklos Maros - Rush

Miklos Maros - Rush - "27 Mai in gluma - 27 Mai in serios" International Contemporary Music Festival, Bucharest, Ateneu, 2008 Sorin Petrescu, piano

Undulations Miklos Maros

Undulations by Miklos Maros.Christian DeGrave-Saxophone, Dr. Amber Shay Nicholson-Piano. Christian DeGrave's Senior Performance Recital Rosch Recital Hall SUNY Fredonia 11/13/10

Serenade for flute and piano

Györ, Öt templom fesztivál , 2012. május 10, Marosné Kovács Tünde - fuvola, Domsi Géza - zongora


Györ, 1992, Marosné Kovács Tünde és Pass Andrea fuvola,

Miklós Maros, 'Rabescatura' - Christopher Condon, Saxophone

Rabescatura - Miklós MarosChristopher Condon - Alto SaxophoneU.S. Navy 36th International Saxophone SymposiumGeorge Mason UniversityJanuary 5, 2013

Dannel Espinoza - Burattinata by Miklós Maros

Burattinata by Miklós MarosDMA Recital. April 3rd 2010Kilbourn Hall - Eastman School of Music - Rochester, NYEnd of piece is cut short due to the 10 minute YouTube time limit.

Miklos Maros Dimensions Kroumata

Upptagning från Moderna museet våren 1980.

Musica da Caccia - Miklós Maros

live recording of the Brabants Saxofoon Ensemble ( selected students and alumni from the Fontys Conservatorium Tilburg, Netherlands ) conducted by Andreas van Zoelen, playing Miklós Maros' composition...

Per Högberg plays Kilskrift by Miklós Maros

Per Högberg plays "Kilskrift" at Gothenburg Piano Festival 2010

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